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  • Vista Holding

What will it take?

Posted on 28 February, 2011 at 9:07

Greetings Good people of this wonderfully blessed earth. I trust all is well in your worlds, and getting better each and every moment that you take breath. This weeks topic 'What will it take?' is in regards to your dream, your passion...your purpose. Each and everyone of us is born with a purpose, this society and their regime of 9 to 5ers cares not for your true purpose as they have their own uses for you and your energy, And so, we follow diligently doing what it is society dictates to us to do, being who society wants and needs us to be in order to keep their wheels nicely oiled and spinning. However!... Why are you really here? Did your mother and father conceive you in love, tenderly and passionately so you could help to keep Tescos afloat with minimum waged services, while they stack billions in profits? Did your Mother carry you for nine careful, considerate, and delicate months so you could end up on the dole feeling like a bag of crap every time you go into their offices, every time you open one of their condescending letters? Were you cared for, nurtured and protected from that day of birth until now so that you could get in the rat race and run until the day you are burried with your ideas and dreams never given birth to. Or was your life guided and shielded All this time so you could just... survive... instead of living! I put it to you, that you are here for none of the above, nor any of the other unsatisfying jobs they wish for you to fill out of desperation. While I believe everyman should 'pull his own weight' and do not disregard those who do these jobs, I also believe you were born with your real job etched into your soul. The natural talents, abilities and qualities you were born with will help you to work out what it is. In most cases, there will not be a category in the current work force that will include your 'job', but tish-tosh, thats nothing. Ever heard the saying "Carve out your place in history"... Create that 'new' genre, be that 'new' genre. How are we ever to evolve or blossom as individuals or mankind if we never dare to be who we really are? Everyday situations in this mundane world call not upon your full range of skills, encourage you not to find out and see what you are fully capable of, nor does it ever give you the opportunity to experience the super-hero inside. Youv'e never really had the chance to see how great you can be! Not much room for supermen and women in Tescos and all the rest of them. Superman doesn't take orders, nor have I seen him mopping the floor. What will it take for you to give your vision life? What will it take for us to make this world that better place we know it can be? "It takes just one moment in time to change your life forever, it takes just one moment in time to put it all together." Unleash the Super-Hero within! Blessings The Kayz

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