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Posted on 29 March, 2011 at 20:41

Dear Gran'ma Moses,

Sometimes I feel like i'm locked up inside.

I know that sounds weird, but what I mean is that I feel like I cant say what I want to say, or do what I think I should be doing.

I have spoken to some of my friends and family about this, some of them say that I should free up myself, say whats on my mind, and do whatever it is I feel I should be doing (providing it is good for me),

but when i've started exercising this, they are some of the first to complain about me speaking my mind.

It seems I should speak my mind...but not to them personally.

I tried to help someone on the streets once (standing up for what is right, human rights) and I ended up arrested!

This has made me feel like I don't really want to 'not be liked' because of speaking my mind, especially by my family and friends.

And I don't want to do certain things if I'm going to end up with a criminal record. (which I didnt get, as the po-po dropped the so-called case)

Even tho I have gone back to my old ways of 'keeping quiet', and my peeps are happy with the old me, and theres been no arrests since that time, but now...

I feel rubbish. Not rubbish, but not real, not really me. Or who im supposed to grow into.

Can you tell me how I can be true to myself, my real feelings and convictions while still keeping my family and friends o.k with me.

And also without getting arrested.

Bless up,

Anon. Hackney

P.S I hope you dont mind the 'Moses' thing, I just like what you put up here, you remind me of Grandma Moses. Not saying your old and ting. sorry, Respect.

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Posted on 1 April, 2011 at 19:43

Greetings and salutations to you all,

I trust this is a great new year for you as the Spring springs upon us.

Do you have a good memory?

What things do you remember, everything, or a selective few things?

It's quite easy to remember rough times, hurtful things, down right shocks and horrors, they stick out. They mark deep grooves into our minds, and if we re-live them by talking over and over about them, they stick with us even longer.

Some of us without thinking hold on to these horrible memories, in the recesses of our minds, and allow them to effect the way we live, think and interact on a day to day basis... in fear.

Do we remember the good things?

Do we take time out to share the 'gossip' of a good thing just as much as a bad thing? With the same enthusiasm?

If we were to remember all the good things we've experienced... Wow!

Just take a moment each day and remember some good times,

look around at your surroundings and find things to be grateful for, because "No matter what you've got, you've got a lot!"

The people that live with you or around you, remember some nice things that they have done, it'll make you appreciate them more. Bring it up in conversation the same way you would not so great things.

The Creator has bought us through many, many trying situations that we may not of seen a way out of.

We've accomplished many things in our lives thus far.

Faced things some would cringe at.

Why then, do we forget these all these feats, all those victories?

How quickly we forget, allowing challenging times or other people to 'rock our boats'.

You are fabulous!

You are not just today's situation...

you are a culmination of many years of experience, accomplishments, character building scenarios, battles fought and won, which is why you are still standing today.

Remember all things,

you may find your actually in love with life.


The Kayz.

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Posted on 21 April, 2011 at 14:23

Greetings Bretherin,

I trust that this strong finds you and your loved ones in great harmony with Mother Universe and doing great things towards her and our restoration.

My apologies for the delay, I shall have to ensure that life never gets too hectic for me to reach out with word to my fellow human beings.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Nelson Mandela

How many times have you found yourself playing down to 'fit in',

All too aware of what others have to say, do or think of you?

What is fitting in?

Is it not reserving oneself to be the same as everyone else?

Is it not The Most Boring, unimaginable and plain old punkish behaviour going? Playing it safe. 'I Don't want to rock the boat now.'

Where would man kind be today if we all played it safe?

No one would of ever seen any other country other than the one you were born in as "It's too dangerous to go out there on the ocean".

Fly? Up there, in the sky, with nothing to hold on to? Are you mad man?!

An operation? Blood Transfusion? Oh no, that's just too darn risky, I'm afraid this chap's days are over!

Now although I think there are lines to be drawn when it comes to the desired heights of technology, I believe we were given free will to exercise it to it's fullest (without taking the....).

Something I know that effects our ability to exercise braveness is... What if I get it wrong?

What if I make all the sacrifices, put in all that work and spend all my money on it - and it doesn't work! I'm stuck, and it was all for nothing.

But, what if it does work?

Can you afford not to try?

Even if it didn't turn out to be exactly how you pictured it... It is here none the less, and here only because you made it happen.

(Let there be light!)

Now you have more knowledge and experience so the next time will be even better.

My friends, this world can ill afford the second hand attention we've been chucking at it when we feel like.

This IS a WONDERFUL WORLD, with wonderful people and great natural beauties to behold and take part in... I know you know this is true. Theres just a hand full of assholes (excuse my french) trying to be greedy up in the midst of true living. But we got to step up.

If evil doesn't rest from it's handy work, why should the good rest.

I implore you to BE.

I urge and encourage you to shine beyond measure...

we've come this far... but yet we have far to go, and the only way we will get there- is by shining, your great, natural and genuine shine.

Don't worry if you rock a few boats... Or even a whole lot of them,

as long as your working toward the restoration of self and/or Mother Universe... I got your back.

"Let your light shine,

there maybe someone down in the valley trying to get home"

Be a part of that light-house, so we can all get home.


The Kayz.

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