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Posted on 8 March, 2011 at 5:10

Greetings one and all, this Great New Day.

This weeks topic...'Have you smelt the roses lately?' focuses on the good things in your life.

It is too easy (when you see new products flaunted in your face daily) to feel lacking, unlucky or just plain undeserving.

I mean, you can't buy everything, the 'Jones' are running a tight race, and if you were to upgrade your phone every time a new model came out, you'd never know your own phone number.

Is it the collection of things we have gathered through out our lives that give our lives true meaning?

Is it the fact that we have all the latest gadgets that qualify us to be real humans?

Does our value of our selves depend on what somebody else thinks of us?

Try changing your focus from "I wish I had that" to "I've got this".

Anytime you feel lacking in whatever material things you desire try this new thinking.

There is nothing wrong with having 'nice' things, if you work hard for them, the problem is when we begin browbeating ourselves for the things we don't have, or measuring our humanity with goods and even going as far as to separate ourselves from those who do not have what we think is 'cool'.

This society places much emphasis on the pursuit of happiness.

It is to be perceived that money will bring this pursuit to an end, but how many millionaires/celebrities do we see in and out of rehab, suicide attempts and in trouble all the time as they are not contented with their riches and the many, many things they can purchase.

Happiness is not to be purchased, nor is it to be pursued.

It's already yours, you just have to switch it on and enjoy.

If you are lucky enough to have a family- be really grateful.

If you are in good health and of sound mind- be really grateful.

If you have genuine friends- be really grateful.

If you have ten fingers and 10 toes that are in fine working order or even if they're not- be really grateful.

If you have eyes to see this wonderfully beautiful truly grateful.

I could go on and on about the things we don't look at/appreciate everyday- but we'd be here all day, and I think by now you get the gist.

When we die a list of our gadgets and material belongings will not be read out at our funerals, because they are not of any importance,

but the person we were during our lives will be mentioned,

the good deeds we did will be mentioned and

the love we shared will be mentioned also... and remembered.

Be of good character!

If we place our worth in fleeting things,

we will find we disappear without trace of us ever walking this earth, as these things have no place in eternity.

Blessings, have a great week!

The Kayz

Posted on 16 March, 2011 at 15:02

Greetings one and all, I trust you are all in the best of health and spirits on this fabulously, fresh feeling day. Is it better to be late than to never reach at all? We may use this oh so common phrase to breeze quickly past our lacking in time keeping, but can we ever make-up for lost time? Or is it just that...Lost Time? Can we squeeze in all we were meant to into a smaller amount of time, Or have we just plain and straight missed the boat? This is a wonderful world, and on the most part the universe supports our needs, some of our wants, our strengths and weaknesses, and even our desires. However... How many chances do you get to get it right? When speaking of meetings with other beings, I have read somewhere that when we are late, we are sending the message "You are not/your business is not more important to me than ME & MINE". Things can sometimes go amiss in life and the unexpected is to be expected, on those occasions- alright, a little tardiness is beyond our control. Outside of those things, we send the same message to the universe... "You are not/Your business is not more important to me than ME & MINE". Is that the message you wish to send? Reminder: Life is like a mirror, you get out exactly what you put in. Is that still the message you wish to send? A different type of lateness... Goals, personal and non personal. Are we sticking to our goals and targets? Look, If we're lucky we may live to on average, in this day and age roughly any where from 60 to 110, like I said, if we're lucky! Anytime could be our time to leave this remarkably robust, yet faintly fragile life. Yet, we put of till tomorrow what we wanted for today. Totally denying ourselves and our confidence the feel good factor. We say things like "I'll finish this later on, i'll sort that out tomorrow, One day i'm going to.... go here, see there, speak to so and so, make that phone call, create that idea, experience that thrill"... on and on the list goes. What holes do we leave when we don't get around to these things? Who's lives are affected (or not) due to our lack of action, our lateness? What opportunities were missed? Which doors were shut? How many warm smiles, hugs and kisses did we miss? Words of Wisdom never heard. Seeds never planted. Fruit never bore. We will never know, but we do know the here and now. We can know the future because we control it. But have we realised we control it? Do we actually remember that we have control? I say unto you, No matter your age, no matter your goal ...DARE TO LIVE! Make 'One Day' TODAY! These are the occasions when it is better to be late than never at all. Beyond the point of no return... with a collection of 'shoulda, coulda, wouldas' will be when we realise there is always an end to the chances... no matter how plentiful they may of been in days before. Don't wait till it's gone, Know, Appreciate and take Full Advantage of what you have and are now. Seize the moment! Don't be late. Blessings The Kayz.

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Posted on 23 March, 2011 at 21:08

Greetings Blessed people of this fruitfully, fertile land,

I do hope you are all fine and well.

Tis a simple journey, life.

Yet, it comes with many, many intricacies.

The destinations may be clear, yet the directions on how to get there...

a little less clear.

Sometimes the route is clear, yet there are unplanned obstacles or detours which may force one to try alternative, unknown routes.

How does one 'keep the faith' whilst in the midst of unknown territory?

Similar to a child in the back seat of a car on a long-haul journey, we can sometimes adopt the "Are we there yet" syndrome in our lives journey.

"Patience is a virtue" you've heard it said before, but are we patient enough?

What if we got points for our composure during these unchosen and trying times? Points for manners, appreciation, understanding, patience, dedication, calmness and grace.

Would you pass the test?

Do we possess enough diligence in those in-between stages, or do we whine and whimper about the distance? The length of time the journey is taking.The things which are required of us. Whether it's the scenic route or not.

We sometimes do one, all or a combo of these things and more,

none of which help...

and sometimes out of lack of patience - we just jump ship!

The Darkest hour always comes before the dawn...It must, this is law.

Just because you may not be able to see the horizon, doesn't mean it isn't on the way.

If we only know sometimes just how close we are to our blessings,

what marvels lay awaiting over that last hill...


I know.

Your tired...

Of climbing hills...

Jumping hurdles...

Facing all odds...

And plain ole Trudging on, But...

If you don't,

would not your whole journey thus far of been a waste?

All seeds planted left to wilt, wither and die.

Your destination, the plans you had for it - your vision, dashed and damned to nothingness.

Ifyour vision is important enough to you, don't you owe it to yourself?

Why start if only to complain about it?

Why come this far if only to turn back?

There were times past when you were unsure if you would make it, and yet here you are, still steadily moving on, and you'll keep moving on.

How quickly, precisely and correctly is purely down to you and what you choose to focus your energy on.

The darkest hour comes before the dawn - This is law.

Don't be afraid of the dark... Use it wisely.


The Kayz

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